Restaurant wait staff transform into photographers
I had a chance to spend some time visiting with my Mother recently and I decided it would be really fun to go to the latest restaurant of Lisa Dahl, The Mariposa Latin Inspired Grille in Sedona, Az. While we ate our lunch outside and enjoyed the scenery, I began to notice how many people had their smart phones out to snap a few photographs. How could you resist, the scenery is gorgeous and the weather was beautiful too! Okay so I expected that. What caught my eye was the amount of times the waiters and waitresses were asked to take a photo of the patrons. Wow, not only do they have to get your order right, they have to be able to take a great photo too!
Excuse me, waiter!

Yummy Burger
The restaurant wait staff transform into photographers. “Would you mind taking our photograph, please?” I could not exactly hear them being asked or asking but as I looked up from my various bites of lunch, another one of the wait staff was snapping away at the tables that surrounded mine. I began to wonder if that was part of the hiring process for this particular location due to the incredible views that surrounded us. I can only imagine how many times they get asked to do this within each shift that they work during the week. I split the yummy hamburger and the chef salad with Christy. My mom also enjoyed the hamburger and then we indulged and shared the incredible chocolate desert.
Cutting down on the selfies.
I laughed to myself as I saw yet another table call their waitress over and then handed her the phone for a group photo. I wondered if it made her cut down on the amount of selfies that she took, if she had been an avid phone camera user to begin with. I also wondered if she then was nonplussed at her family and friends when it was time to take some random photos of their outings. Being a professional horse photographer I thought that I might enjoy taking some of the photos of people at this particular location due to the scenic backdrop and variety of locations to pose people.
Horse photographer -well, not today
I did manage to photograph my Mother as she walked towards the parking lot. I couldn’t help myself as the lighting and the scenery were so fantastic. I did not get one with me and my guests though as I did not have the heart to ask my waiter to snap a few for me, or maybe I was more interested in that second beer he was after for me as I took it all in. I’ll return many more times in the future, it’s a great place with delicious food and a laid back atmosphere as well. Maybe I will ask my server to take my photo on my next visit to and include it in my blog.
Jody Miller is a professional photographer specializing in Horse Photography, Equine Photography, and Equestrian photography. Her work can be viewed online here in her gallery section, and she is also featured at these Arizona Galleries: Arts Prescott Gallery, Sedona’s Village Gallery , Easy Street Galleria in Carefree and Dragonfly Arts in Cottonwood