Meet horse Photographer Jody L. Miller, the woman behind the camera
…Jody reveals the true spirit of the horse through her Soulful images.
In 1984 I uprooted my life and moved to Thermal, CA. I lived on a local Arabian horse ranch while a friend of mine from childhood trained the horses. On the outside it looked like I was mucking stalls, feeding and grooming horses, being a ranch hand. On the inside this was my therapy, discovering how to connect to the world. This Arabian Horse ranch and these beautiful beings had become my eye in the storm that I now called my life.
By 1984 my parents had divorced, my father had passed at the young age of 47 and I was struggling with the realization that I was gay. I finally had found my place where I could not only persevere, but discover who I was and how I felt about it. I was looking for a soul connection, my soul’s connection. While I could not put this into words to talk about, I knew that I would find it with the horses as I took their photos. Perhaps this was the early formation of Eagala Therapy before it was even became a global standard to human therapy with the use of horses.

When the horse photo whispers to you…
“It is my goal that you feel connected through these photographs and that you discover the sense of spirit that awaits you in your own life. “
You are most likely here on my site because you like my brand of horse photography. I am glad you do because it has taken me until this time in my life to identify exactly what that brand was for me and what I was trying to say, beyond the awards, the covers of magazines, the book covers, the articles, and the private unveilings of my latest photos. Don’t get me wrong, those are fantastic! And I have pages about those for you to peruse on here – but who am I? What am I trying to elicit from you the viewer? What is instantly recognizable about my horse photography style? What reaches out and grabs you when you see my photos? What is my Brand? I find the spirit of the horse and turn that into a photo that keeps on giving, if you will. I want my horse photo to renew the viewer, to remind them of their connection to their horse, or to horses in general. I want that to be palpable as you stand in front of the photo. As an artist I hope you can sense your own feelings of strength, of freedom, beauty, aliveness, passion, inspiration, self- assurance, and poise, well up within you as you look at my work. This is what comes to life within me when I look at these majestic animals and I hope you share that feeling.
It’s fun to walk around my town of Prescott, AZ and hear “hey, you’re that horse photographer Jody L. Miller”
It is my goal that you feel connected through these photographs and that you discover the sense of spirit that awaits you in your own life. This is my brand. This is what I intend for you to recognize when you see my horse photography, even before you look for my signature. I am living my dream!
To Contact Horse Photographer Jody L. Miller