Check out my Cowboy Photos.
If you’re looking for some great Cowboy photos, then be sure and check out my cowboy and cowgirl gallery. Over the years I have been photographing equines and equestrians, the Cowboy photos seem to attract the most attention. I’m not sure if it’s because I live in a small western town in Arizona or it it’s because many people are still in love with the nostalgia of Cowboy life. The Man of the West, as imagined by men of the east, was not only physically tough, uncomplaining, and self-reliant, he was politically-speaking, a “natural aristocrat,” even though quintessentially committed to democracy, admirable for his character, physical strength and independence. Regardless of why, I personally enjoy revealing the allure of the free and open life of the cowboy seen through the lens of my camera.
Wickenburg, Arizona-my first real Cowboys Photos
My first big cowboy photo shoot took place in Wickenburg, Arizona many years ago. Wickenburg is another small
western town just north west of Phoenix. I was invited to the Lazy J Cattle Company for several days to photograph cowboys and cowgirls riding through the desert terrain. The ranch was in an extremely remote location and down a long dirt road. I had no cell phone service and once I arrived, I knew I wasn’t leaving until the shoot was done.
There were definitely no trace of city lights out there. I was with several other photographers and we scouted out the locations for our shoots. Naturally, deciding on early morning and late afternoon to catch the best light. I was still learning my digital camera, a Nikon D100, so I was referring to the manual a lot.
We were close to Box Canyon and the Hassayampa River so we hiked down to photograph several Cowboys racing through the water chasing horses. I stood in the higher sand bars in the river bed and captured all the excitement as the cowboys hooted and hollered when they rode by. People always ask me if I’m afraid of getting run over during my shoots. This was a situation where I was sure to throw up my arms as the horses got close and remind them I was in their path. The cowboy photos were fantastic. I was so pleased with the results. Each photo shoot that weekend was exciting and fun and unpredictable. The cowboys ranged in age from young to old and I was pleased to get really good cowboy photos to please an audience of all ages.
Cowboy Photos- and cowgirls too.
Naturally, there were cowgirls on hand for this photo shoot as well. It was fun to integrate the women into the photos and fun to capture the interactions between the cowboys and cowgirls. At the time, I was also working for Ruger Firearms and anticipated the chance to license a few of these stock cowboy photos to Ruger for advertising. I didn’t know it at the time, but one of the group cowboy photos would end up being used for SSG Gloves in their advertising too. We used an old run down cabin as a back drop for some really fun saloon style photos. The cowboys really enjoyed the evening photo shoot once they got to pull out the whiskey and cigars.
I’ve gone on many cowboy photo shoots since that first one in Wickenburg, but this one is memorable as it launched my focus into the western world and cowboy photos.
Check out my cowboy and cowgirl gallery for images. You will find cowboys roping, cattle being herded, horses and cowboys on horses running through water and more western and cowboy photos. Please contact me if you are interested in licensing any cowboy photos for advertising.
Jody Miller is a professional photographer specializing in Horse Photography, Equine Photography, and Equestrian photography. Her work can be viewed online here in her gallery section, and she is also featured at these Arizona Galleries: Arts Prescott Gallery, Sedona’s Village Gallery , Easy Street Galleria in Carefree and Dragonfly Arts in Cottonwood.