This Q & A about my Horse Art is an excerpt for an interview with The Noise, a Northern Arizona art newspaper.
1.Describe your horse art & who you are as an artist.
My horse photography goes beyond simple portraiture of horses…I create memorable scenes with the horses I photograph. My goal is to create images that evoke emotions in the viewer. I want the scene to allow the viewer to really have an experience with the photo. To feel present in the moment I captured. As an artist I want to convey through my photo’s that sense of strength, that feeling of grace, the feeling of being distinct and celebrated from the inside out, I hope to help the viewer find that place within themselves that encourages them to follow their dreams and believe in themselves. It’s what the horse reminds me to do in my own life.
- How long have you been involved with the Prescott art community?
I started entering my equine art into shows in the Prescott area in 2006. I was the recipient of The Phippen Award

From my early years shooting in the 70’s
for my image “Bringing ‘em Home” in the exhibit called Fresh Eyes – Emerging Photographic Talents of the West. The judges felt the image depicted the mission of The Phippen Museum. After that I won awards at several shows at Prescott Fine Arts. In 2009 I became a member of Arts Prescott Cooperative Gallery on Whiskey Row. I’m now in my 7th year there and really enjoy calling Arts Prescott Gallery my home.
- Where do you draw inspiration from?
I started photographing horses in my 20’s. I developed a soul connection with the first horse I met, an Arabian Gelding named Zarod. The horse seemed to look inside me and offer gentle healing and guidance. He offered me peace in the crazy world around me. As I photographed him and other horses I sensed from my own experience that those moments would translate into a photo that would indeed inspire another.

Shooting with film, 1984 Las Mananitas Thermal, CA
- How has photography shaped you as a human being?
My Photography has helped support my growth as a human being. My work has helped me to realize my dreams and to share these images with others. My photography has helped me to trust and believe that we are all connected. My work continues to bring me joy and satisfaction deep in my heart. Being around horses and creating art has brought me so much joy-and brought others so much joy too. That’s all I want, to feel happy and loved and fulfilled. My horse photography does that!
- Describe the emotions involved with Equine Fine Art?
The time that I spend with each photo, is me finding my voice through each of them. I continue to learn to voice my perspective while connecting with the horse’s strength, centeredness and grace to do so. I began to notice that during the editing process I was looking for that feeling of “that’s it!” It felt just like the shutter click and I recognized it as my signal to myself that that was the photo I was looking for. It was the photo I wanted my audience to see. I felt connected when I looked at it. The horse felt alive to me in the photo, like I could look at it and our bond was still present. This is the photography that I wanted to share with others.
Some of my most rewarding times as an artist, is when someone shares how moved they were by my work. Many people have been brought to tears by the emotions or memories my images bring them.
- Do you express your artistic passion through any different outlets other than photography?
The horse photography is really the only medium I present to people but I think my artistic passion weaves its way through everything I do. When I’m cooking or gardening or relating to others throughout the day. I strive to approach my life with ease, grace and creativity.
7. What does art mean to you?
Beyond the awards, the covers of magazines, the book covers, the articles, the private unveilings of my latest photos, don’t get me wrong, those are fantastic! I find the spirit of the horse and turn that into a photo that keeps on giving, if you will. I want the photo to renew the viewer, to remind them of their connection to their horse, or to horses in general. I want that to be palpable as you stand in front of the photo.
As an artist I hope you can sense your own feelings of connection, of strength, of freedom, grace, power, energy, beauty, belonging, passion, inspiration, confidence, trust, and poise well up within you as you look at my work. I hope that you feel alive, connected, courageous, and that you discover your sense of spirit that awaits you in your own life. I hope this for you because this is what comes to life within me when I look at these majestic giants. This is what I am now able to recognize every day in my own life as well, thanks to these amazing animals. This is my brand. This is what I hope you recognize when you see my photography even before you look for my signature.
8. Lastly, please add anything you think would benefit the article.
Each year I donate at least one piece of artwork to auction off at various Prescott area Charities. I enjoy giving back to the community that has supported me throughout the year and this is one of the ways that I have found to do that.
On my website you can purchase prints, gallery wrap canvas and home décor items. Choose your favorite image and enjoy a custom duvet cover or shower curtain or smart phone cover.
I can be found on several social media sites including Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
Jody Miller is a professional photographer specializing in Horse Photography, Equine Photography, and Equestrian photography. Her work can be viewed online here in her gallery section, and she is also featured at these Arizona Galleries: Arts Prescott Gallery, Sedona’s Village Gallery , Easy Street Galleria in Carefree and Dragonfly Arts in Cottonwood.