In 2003 I joined the Equine Photographers Network (EPN) to enhance my career as a horse photographer. I originally became a Professional member to be on the distribution list for stock photography requests from companies in the Equine industry. Stock photography was still fairly profitable 13 years ago and EPN was a direct source for photo requests from the Equine Industry. During the first few years of my membership I was able to make connections with magazines, marketing and design teams and other horse related businesses. Through the requests from EPN, I submitted and licensed several images. The cover for Back in the Saddle, the cover for The Horses in Action Poster book and the Smith Brothers Catalog cover. Even today requests still come in from companies looking for great, unique horse images.
I have also enjoyed being a part of an organization of fellow horse photographers to exchange ideas with. Since joining, I have attended several EPN events and met many wonderful horse photographers from around the world. This International Organization continues to be a great educational resource for me and a great way to collaborate ideas with other photographers that share my same passion. The membership and user forum are filled with pricing strategies, photo tips, an online book store, photo assistant directory, computer and camera purchasing guides, troubleshooting tips, discussion groups on many topics and more. I’ve met horse photographers that specialize in photographing the show arena, some that specialize in portraiture, some that specialize in wild horses -too many specialty areas to list.
Becoming a member of the Equine Photographers Network.
There are three levels of membership possibilities. General, Professional or Affiliate. General Membership in the Equine Photographers Network is available to anyone wishing to improve their equine photography skills. Professional Membership is available to working professional equine photographers to network and be found by photo buyers, horse owners and event managers. Affiliate Memberships are for Corporations involved with ancillary relationships with Equine Photographers including Advertising and PR firms as well as Equine product related companies.
Benefits of membership.
As a Professional member, I have the ability to post a profile with links to my website. I also continue to get access to “photo requests” from the Affiliate members or anyone in the public needing a specific type of horse image for marketing. The horse photography workshops have been a great resource for me. I attended my first workshop in 2003 by Susan Sexton and Patty Hosmer in Cave Creek, Arizona.

Great American Horse Drive
I had been following Susan Sexton’s career for many years and was excited to attend her workshop and absorb as much as I could from her years of photographing horses. Susan was one of the first professional horse photographers. During the 80’s she traveled the country in a camper/mobile photo lab and took photos of horse shows and then developed and sold her photos from her camper. Can you imagine doing all of that before the digital age! Several years later I was fortunate enough to room with Susan Sexton at the Great American Horse Drive photo workshop in Craig, Colorado. I was thrilled to room with this legendary Horse Photographer and to be able to have some one on one time with her and absorb more of her incredible knowledge. Sadly, she passed in 2009-but I was proud to call her my friend and have that time with her.
Since my first workshop in 2003, I have attended at least one workshop a year given by members of EPN. Photo workshops have changed over the years, Susan was there as a teacher, she didn’t even carry her camera during her workshop. The Horse Photographers workshops I’ve attended over the years include: Tony Stromberg, Carol Walker, Carien Schippers, Bobbie Goodrich, Tamara Gooch, Bev Pettit and more. I have enjoyed the opportunity to make new friends during these horse photo workshops, shoot with these amazing Horse Photographers and I am proud to call them my colleagues.

Tony Stromberg’s workshop in Santa Fe
So, whether you’re a horse enthusiast, or a horse photographer wanna be- this is a great organization for any level.
Jody Miller is a professional photographer specializing in Horse Photography, Equine Photography, and Equestrian photography. Her work can be viewed online here in her gallery section, and she is also featured at Arts Prescott Gallery, in Arizona.