Horse photographer vs Horse Photography on Google
“I want to be number one on Google search results!”- That’s what I told my website designer in March 2016 when we met to discuss the goals of my website. I had a website for years that was not performing or being found on Google search
results. My goal was to change that and stay on the first page- if not at the top. Rich from RLC Design Services worked with me for several weeks designing my site and training me on how to manage my site and write good content to show up on search results with Google. I got results quickly and changed my placement in the first few weeks.
But the thing about being found on Google is you can’t get comfortable there-it’s always changing. I am happy with the results for “horse photographer” but my ultimate goal is to get my name known as a Equine Fine Art Photographer that offers soulful horse pictures. I’m still working on that search term on Google 🙂
Photographer and Photography does cast different results so I have to keep working on the search engine optimization.
174 Blog posts about Horses, Horse Art, Horse Photography and Horse Photographers
Since the launch of my new website in March 2016, I have written 174 blog posts about Horses, Horse Art, Horse Photography and Horse Photographers. I have also written about Art Gallery showings and Horse Art installations. That’s an average of 5 blogs per month. In 2016 I was writing and keeping to a strict schedule. Now, I am not as strict but the momentum has kept me going and I still am on the first page of Google when you search for Horse Photographer.
I have watched several other Horse photographers appear at the top and then drop off the list over time. Even when I do not have any blog ideas- I try to find something to write about or find a guest writer to publish a blog.
My Guest Bloggers
My guest bloggers have included:
- Åsa Björklund, Freelance Equine Journalist
- Rose Miller, Author and Equestrian
- Bonnie Ebsen Jackson, Author and Equestrian
- Dale O’Dell, Photographer
- Barbara Kaplan, Interior Designer
- Jodi Maas, Artist
- Mike Maas, Artist
- Leo Babauta, Writer
- Catherine Gottschalk, Equestrian and Horse rescuer
- Angela Dunning– Equine Facilitated Learning
- Marsha Lindquist, President of Granite Leadership Strategies, Inc
- Susie Benes, Equine Sculptor
- Kim McElroy, Rancher from Broken Horn D Ranch
I will continue to look for Guest Bloggers as we move into 2019, so if you have something interesting regarding Interior design, horses, equestrians, art galleries, artwork and more, please send me a message.
Social Media and Google
This year I have been focused on Social Media and that will also continue into 2019. I have increased my following on Facebook, Instagram and I have just started on my Pinterest Page. I am constantly researching and reading about methods to increase my following and the proper hashtags to use.
The adventure continues to be so much fun!
Jody Miller is a professional photographer specializing in Horse Photography, Equine Photography, and Equestrian photography. Her work can be viewed online here in her gallery section, and she is also featured at these Arizona Galleries: Van Gogh’s Ear Gallery in Prescott, Arizona , The Phippen Art Museum, Hart of AZ Gallery and Dragonfly Arts in Old Town Cottonwood, Sedona Artist Market and Coops Coffee House at Talking Rock Ranch.