Rocky Mountain Horse Photo

Rocky Mountain Horse Photo Shoot

The Rocky Mountain Horse breed originated in the United States in the late 1800s, in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains of eastern Kentucky. According to the Rocky Mountain Horse Association “The Rocky Mountain Horse Association’s (RMHA) rendition of the history of the breed states there was a gaited colt brought from the Rocky Mountain region of the United States to the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains in eastern Kentucky around 1890. He was referred to as “the Rocky Mountain Horse” by the local Kentucky people because of the area of the country from which he had come. He is the horse credited for the start of the Rocky Mountain Horse breed.”

Rocky Mountain Horse - Candy

This summer I had the opportunity to photography two separate Rocky Mountain Horses. I showed off the results from my photo shoot with Candy, a Chestnut colored Rocky Mountain Horse in my last blog. Candy was definitely EYE CANDY! She moved so smoothly around the arena. I could see her smooth four-beat gait and imagine she would be very nice to ride.

More recently I photographed a gelding named Blake. His Chocolate color was so rich and he had beautiful dappling in his coat. Blake was super friendly during the photo shoot and wanted to be with his owner or with his horse buddies. The owners young daughter even helped out with the photo shoot by tempting Blake with horse cookies.

Rocky Mountain Horse getting cookies

Another snack Blake received during that photo shoot was his first taste of watermelon. His owner, Penny was probably more entertained by that then Blake was.

Both of these Rocky Mountain Horses really surprised me. I had no idea how expressive their faces were and how wonderful they would appear in print afterwards. Both had big endearing eyes and flaxen mane and tail. Both moved with ease and both galloped very enthusiastically right at me at times.

I think both might make an appearance at the Art Gallery in the coming months. See the mock up I made below called Blakes Dreams. I think it gives such a sense of peace and tranquility in this bedroom design.



Rocky Mountain Horse



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