Horse Photographer hiatus ends seemed like a good segway into returning to my blog post writings and photographing horses. It has been a whirlwind last 18 months.
In 2023 I was extremely preoccupied with building a house in Dewey, Arizona. One of the many reasons we chose this particular location was that it is adjacent to a local Horse Ranch. So, from my desk and from almost every window of our new home we can see horses. We didn’t hire a General Contractor, so I was onsite every day to manage the daily activities. The build went fast and within 9 month we broke ground and moved in. Now the stress of building a home has subsided and I’m able to get back to some sort of new normal.
The new normal includes hearing horse sounds all day and as I mentioned, seeing horses out my window. At any given time, I can just take a short walk up the hill and visit them. It’s very inspiring and calming.
In the spring time of this year I finally dusted off my Nikon camera and started photographing horses again. It felt great to be out there connecting with horses and brushing up on my old skills. In June, my camera bag mysteriously slipped off the closet shelf doing some damage to the lens and body. So I started researching a new camera system. I spent days reading reviews and trying to determine which system would be fit my needs of being a Horse Photographer. I settled on the Nikon Z6ii mirrorless system and have been immersed in learning the new camera for almost two months now. I must say, I’m very happy with the results so far.
Another new learning curve was the upgrade to Adobe Creative Cloud (yes I know, it’s been out for years). That has opened a whole new world of using AI, filters and many more tools I don’t even know about yet.
So, as I implement all this new technology while living in this amazing new home I must say I am inspired and excited. That’s what led me to write today.
Just in the last few weeks I have done 6 commissioned photoshoots of local Prescott area horses totaling 15 different horses.
I’m excited to write about them and share my stories and my images. Stay tuned.
You are the best!