Hello everyone! I want to wish you all a joyful Thanksgiving. This year has been really remarkable for me, both personally and in my photography profession. I have added some new galleries this past year, I also completed some guest art shows, I have added an agent on to my team, updated my website in such a major way that I am now found on the first page of Google! Awesome! Thank you, Rich Charpentier and his team at RLC Design Services. I have completed some new local private photo shoots which have fulfilled my desire to be able to network with local horse owners with causes that I believe in and support with my passion. I have taken photo’s of the Salt River Wild Horses and am donating ten percent of all proceeds from Salt River Photos on my website to the Salt River Wild Horse Management Group to help with costs that they incur on their behalf. I launched a series of smaller canvases and started a blog, a Twitter account, more facebooking and Instagram. I was honored to share my photos with some local collectors who allowed me to come to their homes and hang the photos that they purchased from me. I have shipped photos to people all over the country who love
my work but don’t live locally. Made coasters, refrigerator magnets and blank journals for local galleries. I became a member of the Western Heritage Foundation in Prescott and continue to donate my canvases to several other local charitable groups to help them raise funds for their worthy local causes.
Personally, I celebrated my first year of being a homeowner, I am getting married soon, I’ve gained and lost weight and discovered a healthier way to eat for myself that I am thrilled about! I completed a 28 day juice fast. I never thought I would do that! I found a spiritual way to look at life that I just absolutely love living every day. I feel like I have renewed relationships with my family members, am welcoming new family members into my life, kept and deepened some already wonderful friendships, released some friends that were moving in a different direction than me, donated clothes, and household items that no longer served me, planned vacations and paid for them before I even went on them, and dared to dream even more for this coming year!
Yes, my life as a horse photographer is pretty full!
Weaved through all of these things is this deep sense of appreciation for each and every day that I am living in. I am so moved emotionally every day (literally every day) that this is my life. I am honored to be a horse photographer and to be able to give back to those who are horse lovers too! I must say this every day – “This is my life! This is MY life! Wow, I feel so blessed to be living this and interacting like this with so many wonderful people who appreciate and support me in what I do! How lucky am I?!” I do love my life and the people in it. I love the horses that work with me to come up with some amazingly beautiful photos. I love how they all share their personalities so when people who look at these horse photos get to connect with their horses and feel the love they have for them too! That is a great joy for me and then to share it makes it even more amazing and sweet in my life.
Thanks to each of you for the part you have played in my life this past year and into the future years to come. I am wishing you a very happy and joy filled Thanksgiving. – Jody
Jody Miller is a professional photographer specializing in Horse Photography, Equine Photography, and Equestrian photography. Her work can be viewed online here in her gallery section, and she is also featured at these Arizona Galleries: Arts Prescott Gallery, Sedona’s Village Gallery , Easy Street Galleria in Carefree and Dragonfly Arts in Cottonwood.
Thanks Val. Hope all is well with you.