This is my “Heart Horse”, I hear that phrase frequently. I wasn’t really sure what that meant but I know it has a deeper meaning with all that is going
on for people as they feel more and they realize their animals “get them” more than most people do. It makes sense to me that there is a magical connection of a person and a horse on a level that requires very little communication effort.
Heart Horse Defined
“The term ‘heart horse’ was coined by horse lovers. It describes the dream of finding a horse that is much like your soul mate in life. You’re able to love this four-legged friend unconditionally. They seem to truly understand you. Together, you work hard and feel proud of your accomplishments. Furthermore, there seems to be a mutual level of respect and admiration. ” -by Emily Fought
The other thing that I noticed is that when ones heart horse finally get older and I have had the chance to photograph them at an earlier age or even close to when they end up passing away, I always feel appreciative that I have had the opportunity to photograph the person’s heart horse so they have something to remember them by.
Remembering the Heart Horse
I can take that horse photograph and work with it so that they can have something that they use every day like a cell phone cover or a cutting board or even to look at and connect with every day like a canvas for their home or office wall. It’s been a privilege and honor to be able to offer this to people as they go through such a hard time of loss in their lives. I find the heart horse relationship is one where they really take their feelings to such a deep level with their horse in a way that maybe they have not expressed with anyone in their family or even friends as they go about their daily tasks with the horse, grooming, walking with them to the field or arena, picking hooves. As I hear what people are saying as they refer to their heart horse, it is very moving for me and I want to make sure to capture the personality of the horse – the soul of their horse. It’s moving to me emotionally that connection that I witness as they relate with one another during the photo shoot. It really is a privilege to be a professional horse photographer for those incredible moments together.
There was a time a few years ago when I was being hired for a photo shoot and soon after, the horse would pass. It happened many times in a row. In some cases, there was no indication anything was wrong with the horse or that the horse was ill. Perhaps a sixth sense from the owner that the seasons were passing and they new it was time to get that image or portrait done.
Jody Miller is a professional photographer specializing in Horse Photography, Equine Photography, and Equestrian photography. Her work can be viewed online here in her gallery section, and she is also featured at these Arizona Galleries: Van Gogh’s Ear Gallery on Whiskey Row in Prescott, AZ and Coops Coffee House at Talking Rock Ranch. Gift Shop at The Phippen Western Art Museum