Accolades and Awards for my Horse Photos

Second Place People's Choice Winner
"Sand Storm" Photograph of a Black Friesian Stallion, is the winner of Second Place for the People's Choice awards for the Town of Prescott Valley Public Arts Display, January 2016. An interesting aside here, only TWO votes separated First place and Second place!
From the blog: "By the time we hit the beach we were in the middle of a full on sand storm. Thankfully, being a prepared professional horse photographer I had just purchased a new lens filter so the sand beating on my lens was not the main issue." Read more about creating this image here
Winner of the Phippen Award
"Bringing 'Em Home USA" Recipient of the Phippen Award for the Exhibit titled "Fresh Eyes; Emerging Photographic Talent of the West", 2006 Phippen Museum of Western Art, Prescott, AZ.
Bringing 'Em Home, USA is an image of two cowboys on horseback riding through heavy dust with an overlay of the American flag. This horse and cowboy photo depicts the western lifestyle distinctly.
The Phippen Award was awarded to the artists work that most closely matched their mission statement. Mission Statement: To preserve and exhibit museum quality Western art and educate the public about the unique heritage, history, legends and influence of art of the American West.
The Phippen Museum opened in 1984 and was named after Arizona resident and founding member of the Cowboy Artists of America, George Phippen. The Phippen Museum's permanent collection consists of paintings, etchings, drawings, bronze sculptures, photography, American Indian artifacts and jewelry that date from the late 19th century to the early 21st century. All materials in the collection are created by artists of the American West.

Best in Show
"Shine" Wins Best in Show, The Prescott Fine Arts Gallery, in the Exhibit titled, "Animals in Art" 2007
The Horse Photo called Shine is a black and white photograph of a Black Friesian Horse.
The Prescott Center for the Arts Gallery, (PCAG), is a quality art gallery setting offering diversification in the visual arts. Newly renovated during the Fall of 2010 by a bequest by the late Del Decil, the PCAG offers art exhibitions and education programs that create stimulating, art-filled environments which engage the mind, spirit and heart, allowing people to come together and bring art and creativity into their lives.
Printed Articles
Over the years I've had some great local papers and magazines write articles about my equine fine art. Here's some links to some fun articles published about me.
Pop Rocket Magazine An article from 2010 that talks about me capturing the essence of the horses that I photograph and how that connection resonates with the majority of the people who purchase my horse photographs.
Prescott Valley Tribune An article from July 15, 2015 about my show in the Prescott Valley Public library from July to August of 2015.
Prescott Daily Courier A 2007 Q and A about winning an award for my photo "Shine" and making my passion into my career.
Prescott Daily Courier again This 2016 article says a little bit about and exclusive showing of my latest collection "Windswept Manes". I decided to do a local exclusive release, by invitation only, of my latest collection so that people could feel it in the actual atmosphere and setting of a home. It was a successful showing, a wonderful press release article and a great time too!
Voyager Phoenix Magazine 2020 featured professional horse photographer in the Perspectives on Success section
I hope you enjoy reading these articles.